Over 300 visitors enjoy the Heritage Open Day

The Heritage Open Day on 10th September drew over 300 visitors, many of them first-timers to Portland Works. It was a great day, and the tenants who opened up reported huge interest and plenty of business too!

Around 25 volunteers helped on the day which was organised and co-ordinated by Donna, our new manager.

We were delighted to host the Sheffield Printmakers in our Makerspace, demonstrating just how good a display space we can offer at Portland Works for pop-up exhibitions. Amongst the tenants, our artists, gin maker, jeweller, knifemaker, metalworkers and the unique ‘Hardware Hackers’ all added to the mix, with our museum area “The Mosley Room” receiving a lot of interest too.

The Friends of Portland Works also had a great day recruiting new members and spreading the word. Our refreshment stall never stopped and was in the end sold out of buns and cakes! – Thank you Rita and family.

We were all struck by the enthusiasm visitors showed for what we’ve all been working for for so many years – a great building under restoration and a vibrant group of tenants all supported by enthusiastic volunteers.



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