Latest News from Portland Works

You can keep up with developments here at Portland Works in our news archive below. Please also subscribe to our social media accounts to hear the news first and join in the conversation.


The Works volunteer, an interview with Dave Beautyman

This month we had the chance to sit down with Dave Beautyman, a longstanding volunteer at Portland Works. Over the years, Dave has undertaken many tasks that have led to the repair of our building and the maintenance of its…
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A Fascinating Discovery – Wartime Certificate Display

Whilst a group of volunteers began clearing the cellars underneath a block here at Portland Works, they were very surprised to discover an interesting piece of history that had been lying there for many years. This was found to be…
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Tributes and thanks to our volunteers in 2021

We wanted to say thank you to our volunteers who support Portland Works in so many ways – from restoring the fabric of the building to giving talks and tours on the history of the factory, helping out at events,…
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A roller coaster ride for Only Lucky Dogs Theatre

This year has been a roller coaster ride for our partners Only Lucky Dogs Theatre. The company has spent the last 12 months planning its first season at Portland Works and after all the ups and downs of lockdown is…
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Do you have a piece of Sheffield history?

Portland Works is to launch an international search for cutlery made at the Sheffield factory in the last century. In 1914, Portland Works (then known as Mosley’s) became the first place to make stainless steel cutlery. Its “Rusnorstain” cutlery became…
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Spreading the cultural heritage of Sheffield across the world

One of Portland Works’ key objectives is to build an accessible educational resource for the community and we regularly work closely with both Sheffield universities to welcome their students from across the world. They often become volunteers while here in…
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