Mark Jackson’s SquarePegs takes raw materials to produce his unusual patented coat hook system for schools, using a mix of traditional and high technology processes. A start-up business in 2006, SquarePegs installations are being put in all over the country.
The SquarePegs system was designed to prevent coats falling to the floor, whilst keeping children safe from collision with exposed hooks.
The unique patented design configures the pegs so that, rather than serving to dislodge each other, even the bulkiest coats help one another to stay where they’re put. The safety rail running in front of the pegs prevents collision between heads and pegs, and for added safety the rounded corners are fitted with rubber buffers.
The SquarePegs workshop is housed in the old RF Mosely cutlery works, where stainless steel cutlery was first made by Ernest Stuart in 1913.
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