Saturday 12 May was the first of our open days for the year and we joined our artists to take part in “Open Up!”
This annual event gives artists the chance to welcome visitors to their studios, and in some cases homes, to talk about their work and showcase their most recent pieces. In our case, it gave us the opportunity to show visitors our most recent renovations, give them the opportunity to meet some of the tenants and to attend one of the talks in the events space.
We had over 270 visitors, some of them on their first visit, and some old friends. One shareholder visited after a gap of five years and was pleased with the progress and reported how much better the building was looking. We would like to thank the Tuesday volunteers for all their hard work in getting us this far.
Many of the Tuesday volunteers also joined other volunteers to make the open day possible by running stalls, greeting at the gate and providing information in the yards. Thanks to everyone who helped on Friday evening with the setting up, and who came on Saturday to make the day possible. We’d also like to thank Stella our new Outreach and Education officer for all her hard work in organising the day.
Diary Dates
On the morning of Friday 22 June, Stella is organising a community coffee morning as part of the “Great Get Together”, so look out for more details about that. Then our next big open day will be in September when we open up as part of the “Heritage Open Days”.